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  • 6 Horses

    this kit contains 1 Frame containing 6 Hard plastic horses, each horse is comprised of 5 components, 2 halves of a body, a tail, a head and a set of reins.


    Assembly recomendations: 


    the tails and heads of these horses are modular between the different bodies. however the head and rein components in each carton must be matched. if your building more then 6, id suggest ot build the 12 heads seperatly, and mix the tails amongst bodies to make sure theres no duplicates


    the reins of each horse encroach into the saddle to a extent depending on the angle of the body, when you dry fit your rider you will want to cut directly down on the reins inline with the saddle blanket so the reins but up against the riders sadle neatly


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