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February Historical Release!

Writer's picture: Andrew MedburyAndrew Medbury

Pretty much all of these have been shown before, but anyway heres the historical minis preview for february! This month we have 4 command sets, up until now we have only done the troops and characters, the 4 command sets are a knight command set, a infantry, Archer and crossbowmen command sets. The last 2 are also some of the first figures Eli has worked on. The physical sets for these are cast and we had them at cancon, they will be on the website as soon as have done photography. The STL’s will be released as usual on the 5th of Febuary

So Starting with the Knight command set, this kits Knight is inline with the existing early 14th century Knights, his helmet is a separate component, because of this we took the opportunity to do another more fantasy themed helmet, the kit will contain the usual Great helmet kits. The Infantry Command set features another knight, this one is dressed in a older style of kit, another standard bearer and this time a drummer, at this period i believe Small drums are starting to be introduced, and this figure represents one of those. The figues are intended to go into your billmen/pikemen men at arms units, simply use the appropriately dressed/armoured piece to fit the unit!

The next 2 kits follow the same format of commander,banner,musician, and work well played against each other, the archer command set has a Leader figure and banner giving a disrespectful bow after presumably landing a killing shot, and the other a 2 finger salute at the victims mate. The hornblower is a clumsy archer whos not got it together on the day, dropping his arrows, shows and helmet not done up. The crossbow command kit in my mind go well with the genoese Crossbowmen who all have pavises, these 3 models are all cowering from the arrows coming from the opposing english, the banner and Hornblower model are both on the knees covering the faces with there helmets and hands, the knight has his shield up protecting them. 

Next month will be the mounted archers and crossbowmen which were scheduled for this month, those are almost finished so we will start previewing them mid feb. for the fantasy preview, that will most likely be sunday, but there's some images in the FB group if you havent seen anything yet, the kit list is, “orc catapult w/ 4 crew” and 3 elven milita kits in combative poses


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